04 August, 2024

Update after 4 years !!

Hello fellas !!! WOW, i'm just curious and finally decide to have a peek on my oldy dusty blog ! Apparently i'm coming back to X (previously twitter) because of NCT, BWS and lovely runner. And now i'm just wanna leave a little trace here. I'm not really sure when i will be back again, but whenever i do, i hope i will only have something joyful to share :) So what makes me really want to write and update is ; i saw the wishlist on the right of my blog andm HEY i fullfiled some of them ! Isn't it dascinating. I wrote it, never thhought i will achieve some of them, and here we are !! I'm just so satisfied >_< So first thing first. The ultimate goal is visiting Europe, especially Eastern Europe ! Guess what, i have travelled on MAy 2024. I went there with my mom and my lil sist. Here's some sneak peek ;p
Secondly, i visited Manado. I'm lucky enough to go there with my coleague when we have to attednd our obligatory scientific event, and i had my very first scientific poster presentation :) everything went smooth and fun. Even more fun because we were able to spent those time together with senior and juniors whom already like a famity to me. I have only limited pics tho T_T
Third, i finally attend SMTOWN concert !!!! as a pink blood since my college year, this concert is an ultimate and is a must!!! i have no regret watching this, i even want to attend all show f they had 2 days show. aaaaaa. i saw all my fav idols, starting from TVXQ, super junior, NCT, red velvet. Too bad Shinee couldn't come to Indonesia. But overall, the show was superfun ;)
So that's was some updates after 4 years. I hope we all continue to have more happiness and joyfullness to share ! see you again soon !

11 October, 2020

Mencoba Skincare Rutin

Hello !
Setelah 6 tahun lamanya akhirnya saya kembali ingin menulis sesuatu disini sis.
Dengan topik yang semakin random, yaitu skincare. hihihi

Anyway sebenernya muka saya udah sering kena obat dokter sejak jaman SMA, karena waktu itu jerawat parah2nya, merah, besar, dimana-mana, kusem, berminyak. Memang gak sampe bernanah dan bolong parah ya, dan gak penuh semuka tapi unpleasant to see dengan noda hitam (post dipencet, yes..). Sempet melanglang buana berganti dokter kulit beberapa kali, jerawat hilang, berganti kulit berminyak, jerawat lagi, dst. Saya fikir itu semua karena faktor "umur" karena waktu itu berat badan wajar2 aja (dibanding sekarang, ups) dan makan juga belum semenggila sekarang.

Akhirnya putus asa dan setelah 5 tahun pake obat dokter, facial, dll dll terakhir di laser(?) akhirnya, pas umur 24-an (i guess) jerawat merah berkurang, nyisa kusam dan jerawat kecil-kecil, i finally gave up dan sempet muka ancur dibiarin aja, sekitar 2 tahunan. Gak coba PRP atau another more invasive treatment because my mom and me were not into it. Waktu itu belom kenal skinker dan belum booming kayak sekarang dong. Jaman-jaman bocil waktu itu, coba-coba pake facial wash kaya b*ore, p*nds, cl*an and cle*ar, dll malah bikin kulit kering, jerawat masih aja ada, dan malah gatel iritasi. Kalo pake moisturizer, bedak (even bedak bayipun) atau sunscreen, malah bruntusan dan berminyaaaak parah. Clearly everything i did was wrong. So i just gave up like that.

Umur 26-an, kpop semakin merajalela dan skincare mulai ikutan booming juga. SK-2, nat-rep, missha, laneige, innisfree mulai heboh-hebohnya. Karena kemakan iklan Song Hye Kyo dan Alod*ta, akhirnya saya coba FTE SK-2, tapi karena kulit saya super sensitif (baca: kere) jadi kita coba trial kit dulu dong. Surprisingly, my skin become plump and become normal to oily (from really oily). Gak purging, gak gatel, jerawat berkurang, tp kadang masih kusam.
This is the first momentum of my skin improvement and the beginning of my skincare journey.

Setelah pake SK-2 (literally only FTE and sometimes sheet mask) selama 1 tahunan (karena takut pake yg laen ga cocok dan muka yg udah agak lumayan malah jadi makin jelek lagi), akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk mencoba sesuatu yang baru. I tried the entire set of Nature Republic aloe vera, dan dodolnya waktu itu adalah dengan pede langsung beli 1 set full. Guess what, big failure. Facial washnya bikin kering, toner, lotion dan facial mistnya bikin gatel banget. (cried a river,lol). Sempet maksa coba sampe 1 mingguan, stop lalu coba lagi, nothing changed, so... stop beneran. Sedih deh, dodol sih. Setelah itu ga pernah2 lagi beli langsung full set ya, ampun deh sis.

Lanjut setelah kegagalan natrep, mencoba Laneige water sleeping mask, kulit jadi moist tapiii sedikit komedoan. Sudah, ku tak mengerti lagi apa mau kulitku. Sampe sini sempet ga coba-coba apa-apa lagi sekitar 2 tahunan.

One last year, Somebymi snail heboh sekaleee dimana-mana, di Instagram terutama, dengan babang Sungjae sebagai muse alias BA-nya. Sempet tertarik, akhirnya coba setelah adek saya beli, nebeng pake dong (baca:kere 2) Oh my God, hasilnya jerawat ilang, pori-pori ngecil, kulit cerahan, gilak, Holy grail, my 2nd momentum for skin improvement, SK-2 stop, karena akhirnya cuma begitu-begitu aja (baca:kere 3. Temen-temen juga bilang hasilnya oke, dan udah lebih pede dengan kulit muka sendiri. Sempet coba yang Yuja, tp lebih cocokan yang Snail ya. Yuja sedikit lebih berminyak di saya. Oh ya, sempet coba Benton snail, i think somebymi works better.

Lalu, kesuksesan S*mebymi makin bertambah sampe si snail nambah produk baru yaitu facial wash, toner dan repair cream. Karena cocok banget sama serumnya, dengan pedenya beli juga toner dan cream langsung full size dong. Yak tebakan anda benar sodara-sodara, tonernya bikin gatel dan kering, creamnya bikin sedikit bruntus... huhuhuhuhu. what have i donnneeeeeee... another money has been wasted....

Tidak dapat dipungkiri, berkat serum snail S*mebymi, kulit saya nampaknya lebih less sensitive than before dan rasanya lebih aman mau coba--coba yang lain, jadi saya mulai mencoba skincare baru (jaga-jaga kalo tiba2 s*mebymi akhirnya ga ngefek lagi, hihihi, bisa ya?). Waktu beli si snail, sempet dapet sample innisfree greentea (eye cream dan facial wash). Works wonderful wihtout any itchy or irritation, i decided to buy full trial set.

Tralala, akhirnya beli Innisfree greentea balancing trial set (serum, skin, lotion and cream + tambah facial wash). Coba satu persatu, hey, works good just like the sample. Saya pake malam-malam, paginya kulit kenyal, moist without excess oil, wangi, no acne, pokoknya kulit terasa lebih sehat deh. Setelah dipake 1 bulanan akhirnya mantep beli full size, dan cucok banget. Krim matanya menurut ku yaaa, bagus kok, kehitaman berkurang, untuk garis-garis belum terlalu keliatan efek sih. Nanti kita lihat lagi ya.

Another racun dari temen yang pake Missha, i noticed her skin look smooth and brigthened. Jadi saya tanya, kamu pake apa? she suggested Missha time revoultion, probio set (4th generation). Karena sekarang lagi pake S*meby me serum (saja) buat pagi dan Inn*sfree buat malem, so i decided to try Missha for morning routine. Ciaaaat, beli trial kit yang isinya FTE, probio ampoule serum dan cream. Another succesful trial has been made. Works well on my skin.

Btw i dont set high hopes on my skin. Works well for me means no new acnes, no excess oily skin, not comedogenic, keeping skin in "good" state and a little brightened. To be honest my skin still look a bit dull with some noticable pores but i'm quite happy with my skin face right now. No more dramatic purging after make up, no more big acnes. Semogaaa saya segera menemukan skincare yg bisa mengurangi kusamnya yaaaa.

So that's all about my skincare right now. I's wishing all the best for us.
Stay healthy and keep physical distancing, hope Corona will go away soon !
Bye ♥

13 February, 2018

30 December, 2015

End of the beginning. Retrying.

It's only one.
But its too big.
And it lasts too long.
I wonder and wonder.
I must have made many many little and some big mistakes.
I must have forgot many things.
Did i take things for granted?
Did i do worst than others?
Was i not so thankful ?
Is this really a big field with fertile soil to be harvested ?
Or is it a sign for the wandering souls?
Is this just another thing that will pass too?

17 December, 2015

December song playlist

"Not A Bad Thing - Justin Timberlake"

[Verse 1:]
Said all I want from you is to see you tomorrow
And every tomorrow, maybe you'll let me borrow your heart
And is it too much to ask for every Sunday
And while we're at it, throw in every other day to start

I know people make promises all the time
Then they turn right around and break them
When someone cuts your heart open with a knife, now you're bleeding
But I could be that guy to heal it over time
And I won't stop until you believe it
'Cause baby you're worth it

So don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me
'Cause you might look around to find your dreams come true, with me
Spent all your time and your money just to find out that my love was free
So don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me, me
It's not a bad thing to fall in love with me, me

[Verse 2:]
Now how about I'd be the last voice you hear tonight?
And every other night for the rest of the nights that there are
Every morning I just wanna see you staring back at me
'Cause I know that's a good place to start

Back to Pre-Chorus

Back to Chorus

No I won't fill your mind
With broken promises and wasted time
And if you fall, you'll always land right in these arms
These arms of mine

Back to chorus


I'm now currently replaying this song.
I just realize that the 20/20 album have so many sweet songs.
Lagunya bikin galau, padahal gak ada yg digalauin coba. Hahahahahha
I guess that indicates a good song that can really move someone's heart.

My favorite playlist right now :
1. I bet - ciara
2. Sam Smith - Stay with me
3. Sam smith - money on my mind
4. Ed Sheeran - Dont
5. Stolen dance - milky chance
6. She came to give it to you - usher
7. Wildest dream - Taylor swift
8. No air - jordin sparks
9. Sky full of stars - coldplay, and last but not least
10. Keane - this is the last time

05 December, 2015

My Mom and My Dad

I remember the day,
The first day i entered junior high school.
My mom taught me how to go to school by bus,
And she was the one who accompanied me to the school front gate.
She was the one who made me an independent child.

Then i remember the day,
When suddenly rain poured heavily on that morning,
My father was the one who took me to school,
And he drove me to school front gate.
He was there before i already knew.

And i remember the day,
When my mom agreed me joining scout activity.
Probably my first time went somewhere with only my friends by bus.
She packed me lunch and gave me money.
She told me to be careful,
And not to come home too late.

But my father was the one,
Who wait all day,
That day i came home at 6 pm.
The first day i came home late by myself, after all i was only 11 years old.
He stood at the bus stop, waiting for me getting off from any bus.
I didnt know how long he's been there,
Waiting there with his umbrella and flashlight on his hand.

And there was the day,
My mom told me to learn how to the drive the car
She was so proud when i drove her to the market.
Tbh, i was just being brave, i messed up almost everytime i start the car.
And my father was against it at first,
He told me that i drove too fast
And too careless, telling me how to do this and that.
That was obvious, i was terrible.

My mom who doesnt worry too much,
But always warn to be careful,
She nags, complains, solves problems and supports me to do better things.
And my dad, who worries the most,
But not saying much.
He gives advices, solves problems, and keep me away from problems.

Too many things.
Too many things that i cant remember.
They might have different way showing their love
But i know that they will always love me,
And always be there for me.

So I pray to God..
God, bestow on the Your blessings
Just like they cherised me
When i was a little kid.

01 December, 2015

Carilah 10 perbedaan.

Horeee. Menelurkan dua buah karya gak jelas lagi.
Biarin aja geje yang penting ngurangin stres :p