17 January, 2010


Reality is not for me.
People say i should come down.
That the clouds are not a place for grown ups to be.
I smile at them.
Maybe one day, i say maybe one day, i say maybe one day i will come down.
But i never will.
Reality is not for me. I shall stay up here.
The view is quite breathtaking.

gue selalu berusaha ngejar dunia lo. Tapi lo bukan cuma lari, lo tuh terbang. Dan lo suka lupa, gue masih di bumi. Kaki gue masih di tanah. Gimana kita bisa terus jalan kalo tempat kita berpijak aja beda.
- perahu kertas

It's been too long, dear. Too long. You didnt ask me to wait, or even to care. If you want to stay, you have to face the reality, me. If you want me to stay, ask me to stay.

We dream a lot, but dream is only a dream. We need to chase it, reach it. Or if its only a fantasy, leave it.

This is reality, and probably yeah, it doesnt always suit you.
The pain is real. Or otherwise, no pain? no pain but you're afraid of the pain? such somatoform disorder, hun?

Dont be hypocrite, your mask is getting worse, you act like a cheap one, you smile like a puppet doll. in short : your almost - i can say - dumb.

Im counting. Im out of patience, but i still have a super super tiny willingness to wait. although you keep on breaking my strength.

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