04 April, 2010

i dont want the best.

Bagaimana jika, salah satu dari kenalan anda, mengatai anda f*ck di belakang anda ? Mungkin anda akan berkata. Apa peduliku? I dont need them. Dan mungkin masih bisa pasang muka 12 di depan dia. Lain hal nya jika teman dekat anda, mengatai anda munafik, atau sampah masyarakat, atau munak. Wow. I can forgive them ONCE, for the price of friendship. For the precious value of family's name. I can heal the wound. I can fix the broken glass. I can say sorry eventhough the mistakes was not made by me. Once. Then i keep being patient. But you did the mistakes, again. I didnt hear any words like sorry. Not even hi. Was that my turn, again? Do i have to do that, again? Why cant you say sorry for all the things that we've been through. Finally. Jadi selama ini nilainya cuma ini. No more than this. I took care of you. Was i your servant? Setelah bertanya tanya pada orang, yes. You acted like youre the boss. I was the servant. Thanks for opening my eyes pals. I did this again. Shit.
Now after a looooooong time ( too long ) you only say 'duluan ya' and 'hi' . Wew. Nice greetings. Even a dog can bark in front of me and i can consider it as greetings too.

And for you. I dont want to get involved . I only gave some opinions. You might find it as a rude, frontal one. Your problem is as complicated as mine. The same childish action. You just dont wanna listen. No trust. Please remember how many times we've said sorry first to you? No, im not saying : ih, ga ikhlas ya minta maap kmaren. So childish thinking. But hey. What have you done for this? We were friends and.. You still didnt know the real us. We wont steal anybody. We wont kill anybody. We will understand you IF YOU TELL US What you want, what you are afraid of, what the problem are.

For others. I believe you are mature and wise enough to sumarize, conclude an opinion, and understand the real problems not only from one point of view, one side. Dont directly say : minta maaflah, kasian, cuz i already did it for countless time. And you should know which one is the victim. Have a great day buddies. Beware, your best can be the worst :)


[RA]tnasa[RI] said...

aku baca ini kayak tiba2x kena terpaan badai supeeeerrr!!

just ignore it! nis,,
buat apa mikirin lagi apa yg dia pikirin (well, once dak papo kali yee ;) buat bahan gosip)

tapi kalo udah sampe bikin rusak hari,, Oh! demi aku yang paling cantek di antara kamu-kamu (huwahaha),, gak usah di kepo-in lagi lah,, ato bahakn gak usah di lihat lagi lah batang idungnya..

masih ada saya yang masih asik untuk di lihat!

go go go!!
you can do it!, you can do it!!

aaniess said...

hahahahahahaaa. eaaaabsolutleeeeh yu :))

tapi heran jg, kok makin banyak be manusia manusia kerajaan sok cantik itu tuh .. heran..heran.. hehehe.

sep sep sep. kita bisaaaaaaaa :) semangaaaattt.. dunia perkoassan makin dekat!!!