28 May, 2010

sorry i cant come, auntie.

gara gara ujan. jadi inget lagi *huh*
kisah kisah sampah yang harusnya sih sudah berakhir. Diawali oleh masalah sampah dan berakhir juga seperti sampah.

Im really sorry i cant come auntie. I dont want to see your daughter too often. I dont even want to see her once a day, if i could. She keeps hurting me. Innocence sometimes hurts us also, rite?

05 May, 2010

oh may ! here we go =D

FK UNSRI baru aja ngadain PENSI yang udah dijadwalin setiap tahun, dan WOW !! tiap tahun makin seru dan hebohhhh. tiap angkatan berlomba lomba mempertontontan dan mempersembahkan kreasi terbaik mereka mulai dari Stan, tema angkatan, persembahan, yel yel dan band. Dan di PENSI ini juga ada pengumuman pemenang2 dr lomba lomba pekan olahraga FK =] we won many things guys. check out these photos :D

thats all for the first week in this Cheerful May . Have a super good day !

02 May, 2010

a disease of the mind

We're in the city of wonder, ain't gonna play nice.
Watch out, you might just go under. Better think twice, your train of thought will be altered.
So if you must faulter be wise.
Your mind is in disturbia.

Rihanna - Disturbia