19 June, 2010


Ini bukan soal jumlah, atau tingkat kebaikan. Bukan soal anda pelit. Atau saya tamak. Anda tidak percaya saya. Saya ulangi, ANDA TIDAK PERCAYA KEPADA SAYA. Sakit memang. Kalau yang tidak percaya saya atau mengkhianati saya adalah dia, dia, atau dia, saya tidak akan merasa sesakit ini. Tapi karena ini anda. Anda. Anda lebih percaya orang lain daripada saya sendiri. Harusnya saya sayang pada anda. Tapi buat apa? Toh anda tidak sayang pada saya, atau kuantitas sayang anda bahkan lebih besar padanya daripada saya. Capek. Saya saja heran kenapa Beliau bisa tahan pada Anda. Lakukan sesuka anda. Saya punya cara, anda silahkan berlaku sesuka hati. Mulai hari ini saya berhenti. Kalau mau mau tambah lagi, tambah! Kami sudah tidak mau tahu lagi.

Sepertinya sudah tidak ada lagi yang bisa merubah anda. Im starting to end this up.

10 June, 2010

i just.. want to quit.

hadeeeeh hadeeeuh. Kenapa anak muda jadi labil dan merana gini ya?

Well this case started since.. Uhm.. I guess 2 days ago. I was babbling, chattering too much, then a friend told me to stop saying bad things about someone, gossipping someone. Well i do know that my worst habit in this world is *bergunjing* ( besides procrastinating..ouch! ) but this habit only happen when i hate someone to the bones. Yes i know that my mouth had gone too far. TOO FAR. But i couldnt stop my tounge. I shouldve blamed her for acting too sweet. Wow. Hello darling, even angel doesnt do good things all the time. I dont envy any single thing from you, NONE, for sure. Im happy with myself, trying not to be greedy. You got what you want. I got what i need. If you want to be pretty and ugly at the same time , then you'll be pretty ugly , rite? LOL.

Fyuh. And i should fight for my rights!! Im not asking for more. I need the same like others.

Then, another things were popped out of my brain. Friends are getting more selfish. Competitions are getting tougher. Egos are getting bigger. Pressure. Pressure. Pressure. Social pressure. What are you trying to do pals? And im here, still trying to hold on the streams. Enduring my own principal then strengthening it. Im not a slave of anyone, anything, trends, technology, whatever. Really really bipolar. I make myself to believe that the time will come. There will be an end. We dont have to follow all new things, all new changes ( yuk ). Filter! We have to be bonded with the good one. Choose! Take the responsibilities at your own risk. Act ! When people not noticing the clown anymore, i'll quit. Quitting, seems to be the easiest thing, when everything's gone mad.

nb : pengen les lagi tapi ga diijinin tuh . Huahahahahuhu. Kangen LIA !! :'p

09 June, 2010

June ! you gotta be great .

Woah woah woah . Look where and when i stand. Welcome to the 19th block ! Couple months ago i wished i could skip the previous block and now .. Yay, I passed it. I repeat : i could pass it. With all the laziness and luck and pray and and and and.. GOSH !!!

after the pediatric - geriatric block, i had a *movie marathon* with nurek, ayu, nefvi, dina, ririn . We watched PoP & the imaginarium of dr parnassus. Well both is good but i dont really like parnassus ( i found similarities between this and alice in wonderland and.. I just dont like it ) moreover i'm not interested with a sad ending fantasy film sooooooo.. I was just a lil bit disappointed. Anw, PoP is a breathtaking one ( i watched this twice, with nidya :p )

in the first day of 19th block, i had rhinopharyngitis . Gah ! I wonder why this damn diseases keep attacking me once in a month since i started my college life. Now im being paranoid of the *rheumatic heart disease* .

On the other hand, my friends , nadhs from maldives just sent me a message that told me that she's going to visit palembang soon =D yaaay. *nervous* this is gonna be awesome. I hope the plan will run well.

Okay, thats all that i can share with you . see ya soon bloggers! Have a great day ;)