Hello baby bala bala :D
maap ya udah lama ditinggal nih, hihii. anisnya lagi sok sibuk sih. nyentuh laptop aja udah jaraaaaaang buanget deh.
this is just around 1-2 weeks after my S.Ked graduation, yaaaay *clapclap*
i could pass em all and now i'm entering a *not so new* life :p the hospital.
this might be the ending point of my blogging life, or at least long hiatus :D
but, i promise you that i will post some when i have time !
semoga mulai dari sekarang ini, kita semua bisa jadi orang yg selalu lebih baik, baik, baik setiap harinya, dan mensyukuri apa yang telah kita dapatkan setiap harinya.
and i will fight for the best !
i put some pictures from my last special holiday before the clerkship >< hahaha. already need another vacation badly here ma !!!
and i also put some pics from one of the greatest day in my life :)